An application for reservation of name change is should be provided in the companies registration offices and fees in rules 2014. The proposed name is not identical with the name of an existing company. Do you wish to change the name of your company? 1.An application for reservation of name change is should be provided in the companies registration offices and fees in rules 2014. The proposed name is not identical with the name of an existing company. If a proposed name is identical with another. The provisions contained in rule 8 of the company registration rules 2014 is considered. The company name change is shall not be allowed for a company. The company, which has defaulted in filing its financial statements or annual returns or any documents due for filing with the ROC. 2.If any change in the name of the company shall be subject to the provisions of section 4 of the act 2013. 3. The proposed name should be in consonance of the principal objectives set o...