Convert an existing business into a company under the companies act 2013. The new company registration as private limited company registration or p ublic limited company registration. Convert an existing business into a company 1.An existing business can be convert into a company in any of the following ways: (a) by outright sale; (b) by having partners of the firm the only shareholders of the new registration company. (c) having a existing or new company become a partner of the firm which will be changed thereafter. (d) under sections 230 to 232 of the companies act, 2013 by amalgamation (e) by registration of under sections 366 of the Companies Act , 2013 existing joint stock company or existing joint family business. 2.Where the existing business is sold outright to a company. Whether the company is a private limited company registration or public limited company registration. A purchase agreement has to be executed by or on behalf of the company. Which...