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Showing posts from February, 2017

Proprietorship firm into a private company or public company

1.First and foremost, form a new registration company . If the new company registration is to be organized as a public limited company . Ensure that subscribers of the one to the aide-memoire of organization. The subscribers is seven in number. It is the proprietor of the partnership firm in a company. If the new company registration is being organized as a private limited company . Ensure that one of the contributors to the aide-memoire of organization. The subscribers being not less than two in number. It is the proprietor of the proprietorship firm is to be converted into a new company. 2.Convert your proprietorship firm into a partnership firm and accept. The new company registration as one of the partners of your present proprietorship firm . 3.Serve in the objects clause of the aide-memoire of association of the new company registration. A particular clause which allows the new company to have the business. 4.The liabilities and assets of the propr...