Infringement of Trademark – Trademark Registration in Coimbatore : Infringement of trademark injunction would ordinarily be granted where it is established that the defendant had infringed the trademark .
Definition and Types of Manager- Business Registration in Bangalore : The definition of the word 'Manager' given in section 2(24) of the 1956 Act is very wide, and whatever be the nomenclature employed by the parties.
Voting Rights of Shareholders – Business Registration : Preference shareholders have a voting rights on all resolutions of the company if their dividends are in arrears for the period not less than two years.
Registration Offices and Fees – Business Registration : For the purposes of registration of companies under this Act,the Central Government shall,by notification,establish such number of offices at such places .
Protection of Trademarks under MADRID Protocol-Trademark Registration : Any person wanted in his trademark protection internationally was thus needed to file for trademark registration in each individual country.