The contents of section 95 and 101 of the companies Act, 1948 date back to the companies Act,1900, which came into force on 1 st January 1901.The company registration in chennai. The wording has not changed significantly.The first reported case of an application to extend the time for registration.It is some interest to observe that there was evidence that the company was still carrying on business that no petition to wind up had been presented that no notice of a meeting to resolve on a winding up had been given and that no creditor has recovered judgement against the company.We are the company registration consultants in chennai.
Ever since that case it has been the practice to insert in order extending the time for registration some such words but this order be without prejudice to the rights of parties acquired prior to the time when the debenture shall be actually registered in their company registration in chennai.The reason for the proviso is as valid today as it was then.Such an application would be made either expatriate by the charger company would be joined as the only respondent, if there were any respondent at all.It was not the practice to advertise for creditors and to make one of them a respondent.
Ever since that case it has been the practice to insert in order extending the time for registration some such words but this order be without prejudice to the rights of parties acquired prior to the time when the debenture shall be actually registered in their company registration in chennai.The reason for the proviso is as valid today as it was then.Such an application would be made either expatriate by the charger company would be joined as the only respondent, if there were any respondent at all.It was not the practice to advertise for creditors and to make one of them a respondent.
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