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Registration of unlimited company as limited under the section 32

(i)Subject to the plan of this section of registration:
  • Under the section (32) of this act a company is registered as unlimited may register as a limited company.
  • Where a company is already registered as a limited company may register under the section (32) of this act.
(ii)The section (32) shall issue the former registration of the company shall close by the registrar. If any forms with copies may distribute with the delivery of the copies to him. The original registration of the company was furnished on the moment. The registration shall effect and placed in same presence. It considers the first registration of the company under the section (32) of this act.
(iii) Under the section (32) of an unlimited company as described limited company. This section shall not affect any liabilities, obligations, debts. A commitments incurred or entered into, with or, by, on behalf of, on, the company before the registration. Where those debts, obligations, liabilities and contracts may be enforced in the manner provided by this act. In the case of a company registered in reaction of that part has the  of a company is prescribed in the section.

A regulations needed in case of a company limited by guarantee ,unlimited company or private limited company by shares

In the type of an unlimited company, the articles shall state that the company is to be registered with the number of members in a company.If the company has a share capital of that company is to be registered with the amount of share capital.
In the type of a company is limited by guarantee, the articles shall state that the company is registered with the number of members in a  registration company.
In the type of a private limited company holding a share capital in the section (3) of sub clauses specified in the matters relating to the provisions shall contain in this article
In the instance of any other private company, the sub clauses specified in the matters shall contain relating to the provisions of this article.
It shall effect and placed in same presence. It considers the registration in Chennai of the company under the section (32) of this act.


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