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Showing posts from July, 2019
Notable Provisions for Madrid Protocol in trademark registration Notable Provisions for Madrid Protocol : Notable provisions are easy to get the Madrid Protocol. Madrid protocols are especially for the international  trademark registration .  Madrid protocol is the treaty that combines the Madrid system. It is an affordable cost procedure offering for the trademark holders. It is the base of procedure secures the trademark in multiple countries.  Registering the trademark in multi- nations require single form of application with single language. It is the separate registration needs not any local agent. Application prescribes with the particular trademark can registering with World Intellectual Property Organization’s International Bureau. Such types of registration are following the certain form of provisional steps. They all are needs flawless submission. Issue of notice communication, verification of the application, record keeping procedures invalidation prot...
LLP incorporation process and procedure in India: LLP incorporation process in India: LLP incorporation  process in India is getting more fame than other company formations in India. The flexiblity of the company process is simpler one.  Two to twelve members are the mandatory limit to start a limited liability partnership. The lawful business is undertaking coming in the partnership form of LLP. The more opportunity to earn the business profit is accepting in the form this business. However, this partnership structure is a blend of limited company and a partnership company. Internal management function is holding under the control of mutually prescribing agreement. Commonly, there is no limitation to start a LLP company. Private limited company registration requires the medium size of income and long procedure with board meeting. IT companies, Commercial enterprise, Institution can be apt to this type business formation. Comparing all this  LLP formation ...
Drafting process of IE code registration in Indian business: Drafting process of IE code registration: Drafting process of  Import and export license i s a basic entrance for the business promotion in the superior level. Commerce ministry decides to make the tight and complex process for the IE code issuing. Product quality and features are taking as important part in this registration process. Product specification is recently taking as the paramount important in this process. Government agencies are giving lot of inputs with the complex tariff codes. This code is essential one for the products come with free import category. Restrictions and covering conditions are given under the control of the government agencies. The chief considerations are directly handling through the Directorate General of Foreign Trade. The consolidation policies and norms can vary from the government agency to other government agency. Harmonized system of coding is following in the Indian T...
Broad section of service tax and its simplification in GST: Broad section of service tax laid on the service providers it recently replacing with GST registration . Service tax is collecting on the value of table service rendered by them for consideration. The taxable event is the completion of the rendering of service. The moment the service is completed, the liability to service tax arises. The service tax will have to be paid on value of taxable services realized. Immaterial whether it is a service tax has been collected from the customer or not. Amount of service tax and education cess has to be calculated by working back from the amount realized assuming that the amount realized is inclusive of service tax and education cess. GST council has introduced new return system to improvise the hard core features of service tax. Value added tax calculation is totally abolishing in the GST filing . Broad section brief in GST: GSTfiling process is following t...
Development of Copyright acts and proceedings in India : "Development of Copyright right from the British empire to step by step development of copy right is discussed in this blog forum".  Development of Copyright acts in India: Development of Copyright acts is existed to prove it as an exclusive right and restrain others to do the same type of literary work. Copyrightregistration gives the exclusive right offering to its owner. The word Copyright derived from the expression “Copy of words”. This context initially used in the year 1586. Copy the term connote the manuscripts and other matter of paper preparing in the printing. Copyright is considering as the exclusive right to dispose of sell and commercially exploit an intellectual work. It can occur at any form. By means of printing, lithography, graphic production, copying moulds, casts, photography, a cinematograph film, gramophone record, roll for mechanical instruments, concert, oral, delivery, directi...