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Union budget and its impact in Indian economy

Union Budget 2019 and its consequences:

Union budget 2019 has major changes in the economy of India. As the initial step of GST filing it concentrates on the individual income and the surcharges are 3% for 2-5 crores and 7 % for more than 5 crores income revenue. It is the common thought the highest income makers can contribute a lot for the national development. The union budget additionally comes with certain salient features to ease the Income tax return filing. This GST council meet gives important for the focal elements of village, Poor and Farmer improvisation. The global level economy will increase with this new union budget 2019.

Union budget and its salient features:

The amount of five lakhs is the minimal limit allotting for the tax payer as their turn over. Electric vehicles are reduced with their GST rate of 5%. Income tax deduction for the loan of electric vehicles is up to 1.5 lakhs. For simplify the affordable house buying offering 7 lakhs and its loan deduction up to 1.5 lakhs. Further Aadhaar cards will propose along with NRI’s passport. After their arrival there are no limitations for their waiting period. As per these features are rapidly increasing the GST registration and without these NRI to common business to forward their business step in India.

Union budget on other cess duty and rates:

Apart from GST return filing cess are playing crucial role in the hadditional duty and road infrastructure cess rates on petrol diesel are increase with Rs.2. The total economy 1.85 trillion is increase and reaches it limit as 2.7 trillion in US dollars. Obviously GST implementation increases the overall revenues in the notable way. The expected growth of 5 trillion will reach in upcoming years. Especially for the corporate sector that is having their annual turnover more than 400 crores need pay their GST registration tax as 25%. To increase job opportunity also paying vital role in this GST council and budget meet.

The important aspects of Union budget:

Essential feature of Union budget mainly concentrates on the state economy and it outline challenges. The budget duration is extending from 90 minutes to 120minutes. GST registration and its council are trying to work with the state government. The main stream of this co-operation is expecting to remove the barriers of cross subsidiary, extra duty taxes on sales. Pension for the shop keepers and retailers are will gain their pension on the basis of turnover less than 1.5 crores. FDI restrictions and permit levels are lower for the insurance sector, media and animation field. Especially 100% FDI will permit for the insurance intermediaries.

MSME sectors improvisation:

As per this 89th union budget Small scale industries and micro level business which are coming under the GST registration 350 crores are allotting as the loan fund for their business improvisation. 2 percentage interests are collecting from the loan offer. AA rated bonds are allowing for the debt security with the regulation of RBI SEBI to enable the process of stock exchange collaterals. To discourage the cash payment TDS 2 percentage taxed on every withdrawal of money. Additionally the MSME companies have their annual income up to 5 lakhs not require paying the income tax. It will free the small scales from the tax burden.

Union budget with public shareholding:

To increase the investment on company formation especially in public company the public shareholding limit is increased from 25 percentages to 35 percentages. Direct tax collection is improved in the level of 78 percentages. At the same time central public sectors are holding their priority in the nation’s development. Air India will expect to provide the income of RS.1 lakh 5 thousand as disinvestment. This target will finish of year 2019-2020. Moreover, all the company sectors will be cover under the record of government more than 98%. It will avoid the fake and unregistered companies will exit from the business market.

Vital role of Pan and Aadhaar:

Both PAN card and Aadhaar card are interchangeable in the GST filing service. The total number of 120 crores people has their Aadhaar card. Otherwise the use of PAN will be crucial for the business processing. In the company formation process the initial stage all are facing the angel tax issue. To resolve the issue new business initiators are needed to file their declarations and other business documents should proper in the way of submission. This process is following to avoid the scrutiny and explicit business undertaking in India. Import of defence equipment not manufacturing from India exempts from the basic custom duty. For the purpose to free up the tax burden in India.

GST council and functionality:

GST registration process amends through the GST council. This council framing the model GST laws decide which products and goods coming under the line of GST exemption, determination of GST rates, etc.  E-commerce operators are mandatorily applying their GST registration. Not only has this fielded of business other business relating the collect at tax is also coming under this category. Compensation schemes are simplifying for the tax payers under self-assessed tax process. Centralized UIN shall issue to every Foreign Diplomatic Mission. GTA to unregistered person are categorised under the exempted GST category.


Every business sectors functioning in India come forward to their GST registration. From the IT sectors to duty free shops are coming under the control of this unified tax system. Auto populated monthly returns, annual returns are formulating in this GST council. To ease the complex process composition tax payers are file their tax in the form of quarterly basis. Automatic generation of returns are possible one. GST practitioners are helps a lot for the filing process. GSTN, GSPS are the technology base advantages offer the best assistance for GST process. GST acts also framing the perfect procedure to implement the single tax system around the country.


Solubilis offers are the best GST consultants for the business initiators and the entrepreneurs who are in the need of GST number. The document requiring for this process is not a complex procedure. Anywhere in India the business personnel allow to register the GST for more details click here.


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